Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meatloaf (or almost meatloaf)

Few days ago I suddenly had a craving for meatloaf. Googled Jamie Oliver's meatloaf recipe and off I went to the shop to get all the ingredients. Seemed like getting meatloaf (pre-made on a tin tray) from the butcher in Melbourne costed half as much as to make it from scratch in Hong Kong. Anyway, so I started to cook. Maybe because I hadn't cooked for a while, or maybe the kitchen was just too small, I forgot to mix in the cracker crumbs to the meat mixture. I didn't realize it until 5 minutes into baking, as I was cleaning up the kitchen and found the crumbs sitting there. Doh! It tasted alright though (just maybe smaller than usual as there's no filler). Severed with salad and meatloaf sauce with tomato and chick peas.

iPad as recipe book :) posed with bacon
The meat and other ingredients
Spices etc
The meatloaf - first round baking
The meatloaf after 30 mins in oven - then wrapped in bacon for another 15 mins
Simmering the tomato chick pea sauce


Some greens just so I don't feel too guilty :) 

... and the cracker crumbs that never made into the meatloaf... :(

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