Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Responsible Breeding / Responsible Pet Shop

See this cute Whippet puppy? She's suffering from Canine Distemper Virus infection and secondary pneumonia. Most of her teeth enamel are chipped off, including her canines. There's a chance she can develop seizure and either die of the disease or be put down. Canine Distemper Virus (and Canine Parvovirus also), though life-threatening, is highly preventable. Matter of fact, it is almost unheard of and considered eliminated in Australia, by good vaccination protocol, with the cooperation of breeders and pet shops that care enough to adhere to those protocols. Last year, the pet industry in Hong Kong turned over 1.3 billion HKD. A lot of people want part of that money. But before you buy a pet, or breed your own, stop and think; maybe adopt a pet? buy from reliable sources? Read up and make educated and informed decision and act responsibly. These are the only way to push puppy mills out of business. The joy of a healthy happy puppy is priceless.

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