Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Escape Cat Artist

Boo Boo must be too used to being in Melbourne, living an in/outdoor cat life. Gone were the days when he sneaked out when I took the trash out; gone were the days when he jumped over the fence and stubbornly sat in the neighbor's garden; gone were the days when he sunbaked in the balcony / garden for hours. Now he lives in a small apartment in Hong Kong. But fear not! The clever Boo-ster decided to escape tonight when I got home and dropped in the corridor (filled with fluorescent lights) and showed that there is life outside the apartment!

*He also sniffed all the neighbors door and shoes and ALMOST marked his territory. I stopped him.*

*Stretch, streeeetch*

Boo Boo: I like it here, I ain't going back in!

Boo Boo: Mom! Go away and leave me alone now!

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