Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update on Mia - the Chinese way

Two days ago Mia had an allergic reaction. She responded fairly well to conventional medicine (a shot of steroid followed with oral medication). However, the swelling comes and goes and this morning she flared up again. Repeated a dose of steroid, seemed to get the situation under control. But I want to target the source of her allergy.

Plan A - draw blood for allergen testing - gonna be pricy and the wait for result is long, but worth a try to get to the bottom of things; plan B - try traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Dr Angela had a look at Mia today, diagnosed her with 'blood deficiency and wind' (Note: blood deficiency in Chinese herbal medicine is not the same as anemia in conventional medicine) and prescribed Si Wu Xiao Feng Yin (四物消風飲) for Mia. Started the first dose tonight. Mixed the powder with her favorite turkey and chicken canned food - she hesitated for 3 seconds, chowed down, finished everything. No forcing needed. My good girl! :)


Mia - Much Better But Still Slightly Swollen Around Eyelids and Lips


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