Wednesday, July 20, 2011



My first art jamming experience in Jamtastic
Had a three hours session in Jamtastic today. The studio was located in a nice little walk-up building in Sheung Wan. The atmosphere in Jamtastic was nice, cozy, and relaxed. The session included fine porcelain mug painting and canvas painting. Naturally my babies (dogs and cats) became my subjects. Unfortunately it was too hard to paint a black Chihuahua with details on a mug, so I ended up devoting the whole mug to Boo Boo.

The canvas painting was a very good experience. I have always find drawing and painting help me express myself and sort out my emotions. For a long time I had this image in my head - a bench on a hill top, with a couple relaxing on the bench gazing at the stars (blueprint from Yarra Bend Park, Kew, Victoria). I always wanted to put it on canvas. I finally got the chance today. It came out pretty close to what I had in mind. It made me happy. The mug and the paintings are still drying in the studio. I can pick them up in 10 days time. I am very much looking forward to it.

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